Hey there! we are glad to present you the film camera app ,which will help you to make your photos and videos look cooler.
Mood and atmosphere play important roles in your photography. Mood conveys an emotional tone, while the atmosphere projects a sense of place and time. Both of these elements draw the viewer in, allowing them to connect with your photo.
"Moodyfilms", you’ll discover how to use camera to change and enhance the mood and atmosphere of your photos.When you snap you can get the photo that is suitable for your current mood with a single click. Whether you are into old-school photography, or simply following the trends, feel free to explore the app now.
Now we have provide several film rolls and in the future, we will add more films that contain our emotion.
- Color Negative Film
- Movie Film
- Back And White Film
- INST Mode
- FUJ Mode
- VHS Mode
- Fisheye Mode
- Grain Effect
- Blur Effect
- Vignette Effect
- Date time Stamp
- Self-timer
- 1080/720 Video
Auto-renewal membership instructions
Payment: Once the purchase is confirmed and paid, the benefit will be credited to the AppStore account and will automatically renew through your AppStore account.
Renewal: The AppStore account will be deducted within 24 hours before expiration, and the subscription cycle will be extended by one subscription cycle after the deduction is successful.
Cancellation of renewal: If you need to cancel the renewal, please manually turn off the automatic renewal function in the AppStore/ApplelD setting management 24 hours before the current subscription period expires.
Restore purchases: If you need to restore auto-renewable products, please use the restore purchase function in the app settings.
Terms of use: http://moodyfilms.net/terms
Privacy policy: http://moodyfilms.net/privacy
mail: [email protected]